Welcome 2018 New Georges Audrey Residents!
The year-long residencies that make up New
Georges’ core play development program are project-based and
collaboration-focused. In this cycle, we sense a (perhaps unsurprising)
theme: disruption. Of process, of goal, of canonical works. Also: music!
And our first resident composers, 3 of ‘em! Indeed, welcome our
largest class of Audreys ever: 16 new residents and their 8 highly
theatrical projects.
Playwright Daaimah Mubashshir, director Tara Ahmadinejad and composer Julia Sirna-Frest (with Shane Chapman, the other half of duo Chapman/Sirna-Frest) will excavate the darker side of Mary Poppins
– the iconic work of writer P.L. Travers – and create a theatrical
five-borough tour of New York City that examines class, race, and bad